Wednesday, November 03, 2010


More money was spent by all candidates during this election than any other election in history. Special interest groups and anonymous donors spent over $2,000,000,000.00! Donors with very specific interests made the candidate they bought won. It is a sad time in American politics. After two years of HOPE and two years of HELL NO we have arrived at our current position. It will be interesting to see what unfolds. The Party of No got us into a helluva mess. Did everyone that voted dissatisfaction expect all that would be taken care of in this short a time with a whole political party being as uncooperative as possible to stymie any and everything that this administration brought up? Do all those who voted for "change" expect it from a party that is adamant about keeping the status quo? I'm disheartened today and I know that the pendulum swings in both directions. I fear more suffering by those who already have suffered enough. I hope that both Parties will work together to move us forward. After two years of NO, I don't have much confidence. HOPE I'M WRONG. Did you vote?

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Santa Cruz, CA, United States
I am a very shy introverted photographer. My psycho-therapist says that I may be able to come out of my shell almost any time now.