Wednesday, September 28, 2005


It's August, 1983, Ken Caddell, John "Lucky" Laucher, and I decided to climb Mt. Lassen. None of us was used to the 10,457 ft elevation but we trudged up the mountain huffing and puffing. As we neared the summit, gasping for breath, an old woman and a young child walked by after making it to the summit! That did it! We absolutely had to make the top. So on we struggled until we reached a false summit of snow and saw the true summit not far away. We hiked the easy distance and enjoyed the view. What we didn't notice DUH! was the weather beginning to close in on us. So we hustled down the mountain watching a storm approaching with thunder and lightning. We did get rained on and some of it was snow. We slid down on our butts for a ways until it became clear that we were going to have very wet pants to sit in while driving back to Willows, CA where we were staying with some former friends. I'm the one in the blue shirt pointing to a pin that read "I Made It To The TOP". I bought the button at the Vistor Center to give me an incentive to climb the peak. It's a method I've used many times in my life to help me achieve what I want.

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About Me

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Santa Cruz, CA, United States
I am a very shy introverted photographer. My psycho-therapist says that I may be able to come out of my shell almost any time now.